Terms of Service

These are the Terms and Conditions of Use that govern your relationship with Rocketify, also referred to as "GetRocketify.com", "we", "us", "Platform", "Company", or "our". By using Rocketify or registering for an account, you agree to the terms and conditions that create a legally binding agreement between you and Rocketify. These Terms are intended to provide users with information about the limitations and requirements that must be observed when utilizing Rocketify's services.

Registering on the Platform constitutes your unconditional acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, which you acknowledge having read and understood. If you violate these Terms of Service or disagree with them, you should refrain from using the Service.

Please note that all terms used in the Terms and Conditions should be understood in conjunction with the Privacy Policy.


We retain the authority to revise these Terms of Service as deemed necessary, which can be accomplished by publishing new versions on the Website or through direct communication with you. All revisions will be effective upon the posting of updated Terms of Service on the Website or upon notification, whichever occurs first.

Furthermore, we hold the right to modify the features and operations of the Service at any point in time. This could encompass the addition, alteration, or removal of any features or functionalities of the Service. Any fresh iteration of the Service will be subject to the Terms of Service. We may also choose to temporarily suspend or permanently terminate the Service. Additionally, we maintain the prerogative to introduce fees for both new and existing features of the Service.

User Account

To access and use the Service, users are required to register and create a user account. During the registration process, users must provide all necessary data or information accurately and truthfully. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the unavailability of the Service or the suspension of your account. Users bear the responsibility of maintaining the security and confidentiality of their login credentials. Consequently, users are also obligated to select passwords that meet the highest security standards set by the Website.

By registering, users acknowledge and accept sole responsibility for any activities conducted under their username and password. In the event of any unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse of personal information, including user accounts, access credentials, or personal data, users must promptly and clearly notify us using the contact information provided in this section.

While we make diligent efforts, there remains a possibility that unauthorized entities could access your information, potentially through mechanisms like web-scraping programs. You provide us with information at your own discretion and risk. We encourage you to take the following measures to safeguard your information:

  • Craft a robust and distinct password for our Service, refraining from using it elsewhere.
  • Safeguard the confidentiality of your password and consider altering it on a regular basis.
  • Access our Service exclusively from devices equipped with up-to-date operating systems and anti-virus protection.
  • Promptly inform us of any suspected unauthorized activities or breaches in the security of your login credentials.

Implementing these precautions can aid in minimizing the potential impact of certain security vulnerabilities.

Payment, Cancellation, and Refund

By selecting a subscription plan, you acknowledge and agree to remit the fees specified for the relevant service as delineated by GetRocketify.com. Your invoice will encompass the subscription or purchase price for the service. If you do not cancel your membership prior to the conclusion of the existing plan period, your subscription will automatically extend. During the renewal period, Rocketify reserves the right to adjust the pricing. You grant us authorization to charge any credit card or designated payment method that we have on record to collect the applicable fee at that time.

Rocketify retains the prerogative to modify the Payment Terms and associated fees, providing you with a written notice at least thirty (30) days in advance. You hold the capability to terminate your Rocketify account at any juncture through the provided dashboard. Written notices encompass various communication channels, including but not limited to the website, emails, and in-app notifications. For technical support inquiries concerning Rocketify usage, you can contact us at[email protected] for technical support needs. Rocketify will extend aid in accordance with our established standards, procedures, and policies.

By default, all customers will have automatic plan renewal enabled. Nevertheless, you possess the autonomy to deactivate auto-renewal at any point by cancelling your current plan through your account settings. However, The subscription cost is nonrefundable, regardless of the grounds for the request.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Terms of Service, please contact us at [email protected].