LinkedIn Search Profile Scraper

Seamless LinkedIn profile information from search results. No-code, powerful, and privacy-driven – your data remains confidential, no sharing with us.
  • No-code neededOur tool is made for everyone. All you need to do is clicking a few buttons.
  • Complete privacyWe value privacy with commitments. No data is sent to our server.
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Empowering your edge

These are what build you a better edge over competitions in the ever-changing growth marketing world.
No-code solution
Access LinkedIn's riches effortlessly! Our Chrome extension prioritizes ease-of-use, empowering founders, marketers, and anyone hungry for insights. Download now to unleash the power of scraping!
Unlmited usage
Unleash limitless insights! Our tool breaks barriers – no limits on data scraping. Scale your needs, not your constraints. Empower your growth today! (LinkedIn's search query limits may apply).
Complete privacy
Your privacy, your power! Our tool operates within your browser, safeguarding every byte of data. No server shares, just ultimate security. Elevate your insights with confidence!

Interested? Curious to know more 🙋‍♂️? Or perhaps have some product ideas 💡 yourself?
We're all ears! Share your questions, feedback, or feature requests with us!

Choose what's right for you

Free to start. Simple pricing. No hidden charges. Cancel anytime.
Access PriceBeta
  • No code solution
  • Extract all group members data
  • Unlimited usage per month
  • Respect complete data privacy
  • Continuously updated to adapt to LinkedIn changes
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Membership PriceBeta
  • Including all Access features
  • Membership free-to-access benefit

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